Taj Mahal North East

December 31, 2009

Panorama Instructions:

Hold down the left mouse button, keyboard arrows, or touchscreen then move to navigate in any direction.

Press the + key, mousewheel up, or pinch on touchscreen to zoom in and - key, mousewheel down, pinch to zoom out.

The Northeast corner of the Taj Mahal. - Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India - Daily Travel Photos
(Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India)
f/11 ▪ 1/100s ▪ @21mm ▪ ISO200 ▪ Canon 5D ▪ Canon 17-40mm f/4
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A panorama of the northeast corner of the Taj Mahal overlooking the Jamuna River.

The panorama-rama continues! And notice that another customer wearing bright red was caught twice in subsequent frames during the capture process.

Happy new year's eve, folks! May 2010 bring less misery for you than 2009 brought for me. On the photography end, it was an interesting and incredibly educational experience to post a full year of daily travel photos. I'm proud to say I didn't miss a single day of uploads but that involved much unanticipated hard work and many many days sacrificed behind my laptop instead of enjoying the joys of traveling. I can't stress enough how much hard work went into this year-long effort and now I see why so many daily photography bloggers quit without completing a full year. Who would've thought, this would turn out to be a real job for me. However, the rewards for maintaining the site were great: a much more advanced understanding of Photoshop and more importantly, a reason to pursue the next great image during my travels. If you've followed the entire year, you saw the changes in posts and even posting style. As a result of reader feedback, I've come to a near finished product in the content and manner in which I present my posts.

In 2010, I'll continue to post near-real-time photos, mostly from Europe (starting mid-March). I've had a bunch of new site features floating around in my head that I hope to implement at my earliest convenience. I'm working feverishly towards a new tutorials section that'll cover traveling, photography, computer stuff and more. Also, I hope to increase my site's viewing audience. That's where you come in. If you know anyone that enjoys travel photography, forward this site to them for me, please.

In the meantime, have a safe and happy new year's eve!

taj mahal rear view

2 Comments - Taj Mahal North East

1) Benjamin Madison -

Posting a good photo and some interesting and readable text every day for an extended period of time is a real challenge. You have to try it to really understand how demanding it is. My daily photoblog is now nearing its second anniversary and I confess I'm starting to feel a bit drained.... Congratulations are especially due to you though. This is a superlative photoblog and I look forward to your next year's work.

January 1, 2010
2) find cheap flights -

Thanks for this nice share. I have a dream to visit Taj Mahal and for fulfill my dream i decided to travel to India during my next vacations. I am really grateful to author for sharing this beautiful click and travel info about Taj.

September 14, 2011