Mark Webber, part of Red Bull's Formula One team, whips past the crowd at ludicrous speed.
I'm still not convinced that race car driving is a sport despite the skill required to handle such a high performance piece of engineering. However, I won't lie to you guys, a small spark was ignited in my interest in Formula One as a result of this event. It probably has something to do with F1 race cars being fascinating high tech toys for grown ups. F1 comes to Malaysia in April 2011 which may warrant my attendance.
Ratchadamnoen street's Democracy Monument packed with Formula One race fans.
The event was only an exhibition put on by Red Bull where the F1 race car whipped around the streets for a trifling three laps. For this fleeting 2 minutes of F1 action, the crowd of thousands waited 3+ hours under the punishing sun.
The rear of the F1 race car caught in the fraction of a second.
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