The King Rama 8 bridge and at its base, a local neighborhood park.
One of the greatest pleasures of living in my neighborhood is this nearby local park, just along the edge of the breezy Chao Phraya river. In the evenings, the park is full of exercising Thais and pleasant families while completely devoid of menacing youth dealing crack cocaine. At 6pm, just after the Thai national anthem is broadcast, a free city-run aerobics program kicks off with dozens of Thais participating on a daily basis. This sense of community as well as a pleasant atmosphere is one of the main reasons I chose Bangkok as my "winter" resting place.
A colorful pathway at a park at the base of the King Rama 8 bridge along the banks of the Chao Phraya river.
I <3 Bangkok!
2 Comments - Rama 8 Bridge Park
Nice photo! I have never seen the bridge from that perspective.
That's because it is Rama VIII Bridge