Clear Canal

June 24, 2011

Canal Branching from Lac d'Annecy or Annecy Lake and Beautiful Glacial Water - Annecy, Haute-Savoie, France - Daily Travel Photos
(Annecy, Haute-Savoie, France)
f/11 ▪ 1/125s ▪ @20mm ▪ ISO200 ▪ Canon 5D ▪ Canon 17-40mm f/4
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A canal off Annecy Lake containing the immaculate glacial runoff of the surrounding Alps.

Looking at the beautiful glacial water of Annecy lake puts my mind completely at ease. Unfortunately the water is too cold for my withered man-child body to withstand which explains why I've only swam once in this pristine body of water. This summer, if the stars are correctly aligned, I may (or may not) double that number... but it'd have to be one hot-arse day to boot!

annecy lake park