A young Swedish girl takes a morning walk holding a delicious and possibly hot beverage.
For future reference, it should be noted that people tend to notice and react to photographers hunched over on narrow sandy lanes. As a result, I was forced to return a second day and attempt these photos with a my Pocketwizard remote trigger setup. I stood about 10 feet away and released the shutter when I thought the timing was appropriate. The subject often notices the shutter snap and even sees the tripod rig but never bothers investigating further. You can see in the last frame of the time-lapse that the girl peaks over at the strange noise to her right but remains on her intended course.
Mouse across the image for a time-lapse series of images (Flash Required).
An unidentified woman ensures the deposit of her letter.
Funny enough, a few days later, I saw some local children simply unlatch the back door to gain access to the guts of the mailbox. So much for a secure postcard deposit.
2 Comments - Letter Box
Very nice pictures. Very interesting
Thanks Carl. Hope you come back to visit again.